Dhanie & Sal learned from the Designverse Awards Organizing Committee, the host of the Designverse Awards 2024-2025, that based on the evaluation, assessment, and judgment by the Designverse Big Data Research Center on the 2023 Designverse Ranking’s annual statistical algorithm, Mawi Garage ranked in the Top1 of the January-February 2024 Interior Design – Traffic Space […]
Dhanie & Sal will take part in Indonesian Architects Week in Kuala Lumpur 2024 (IAWKL 2024), curated by Rizki Supratman and Trianzani Sulshi, brings together the horizons of 70 architects/architectural firms from 11 provinces across Indonesia. This exhibition, shaped by the themes of Equatorial Synaesthesia, reimagines critical regionalism, blending local narratives with sensory experiences to […]
Dhanie & Sal ‘s talkshow on Halo, Ibu Arsitek! x Living Loving : Dialog Proses Desain dan Membangun Rumah bersama Arsitek, share two-sided experience, the architects and the clients about the process of building a house. A house the owner of Nakahome.story, Rizki Giam and Selly Dita. The talkshow helded on 17 of December 2023, […]
Salman Rimaldhi, Principal at Dhanie & Sal discuss about contemporary architecture along with Widiadnyana principal at Somia Design. The series helded on 23 of August 2024, at Hotel Malaka, Bandung.
In Erdenia, Dhanie Syawalia as a Principal at Dhanie & Sal, among others, will bring the session about exploration of architecture in Indonesia with perspectives from leading experts in their fields. The sessions helded on 8 of August 2024, at Ice BSD, Tangerang.
Dhanie & Sal ‘s collaboration with ALBA and FORMAT for our booth, Personalized Experience Pavilion features a variety of custom steel products. Concepts and designs showcase the potential and utilization of steel materials in order to provide the ideal experience while also being adaptable to the needs of users. The event spans from 07-11 of […]
The Association of Siamese Architects under Royal Patronage (ASA) represented by Mr. Thongcad Chinasi from Hook Architects, in collaboration with Four-Nation member institutes among the Singapore Institute of Architects (SIA) represented by Mr. Iskandar Idris from Super Assemly, the Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia (PAM) represented by Mr. Fabian Tan from Fabian Tan Architect, and the Ikatan […]