Mawi Garage at 2024-2025 Designverse Awards

Dhanie & Sal learned from the Designverse Awards Organizing Committee, the host of the Designverse Awards 2024-2025, that based on the evaluation, assessment, and judgment by the Designverse Big Data Research Center on the 2023 Designverse Ranking’s annual statistical algorithm, Mawi Garage ranked in the Top1 of the January-February 2024 Interior Design – Traffic Space Ranking and won the Nomination Prize Qualification of the Designverse Awards 2024-2025 in Space Category.

Mawi Garage is a renovation project of an existing pavilion that acts as a parking area for the owner’s daily vehicles. Arrays of steel fins envelope the garage, composing a resonance between the space and the vehicles. The fins of steel sheets are arranged at an angle allowing breezes from outside to sweep in. A composition of slits and squares serves as openings, arranged carefully to the rhythm of the steel. Strictly adhering to the steel modules, be it plate, hollow tubing, or strips that are divided evenly, waste is cut down to almost non-existent.

Mawi Garage will continue to compete in the preliminary/final stages for the Special Honor Award, Jury Grand Prize, and Outstanding Award. Stay tuned!

In April 1 this year, the Designverse Awards 2024-2025 is formally launched, and calling
for all works in Space, Product, Brands/Big Events categories.

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